Happy New Year!

We have officially ushered in a new year AND a new decade!

Luxury Travel Advisor in Los Angeles

Forgive me for slacking on my blog updates… this picture pretty much sums up why! For the past six months I have been learning how to balance all. the. things. and figure out my new normal. 

In fact, balance isn’t really the right word, is it?! I am not, in fact, balancing everything I wish I could.  But what I am doing is prioritizing in a new way during this season and taking it one day at a time. 

In case you were wondering, business hasn’t slowed down one bit! But I do have more help now and that has been a beautiful thing. The truth is… I I love my baby AND my business.  I am blessed that they both have a place in this beautiful life of mine and I want to do the mama thing to the best of my ability while also sending you on the most incredible vacations you can dream up, and creating the time and space to experience my own travels as well.

CJ already has his passport and will be collecting his first stamp in just a few weeks as we head off to Fiji to celebrate our 2nd anniversary. So yes, there will be lots more family travel tips as I navigate that whole world. :)

As we get ready to close out 2019 I just wanted to thank you for your support, and let you know how much I am looking forward to what 2020 has in store.  The world is full of amazing places, and I would be honored to help you explore more of them. I am just an email away!

Want to join me in 2020? I would love if you followed along by connecting with me on Instagram (@briannaglenn).